We are blessed with number of active groups of parishioners who are helping with building theparishcommunity. Perhaps you have something to offer!
Finance Committee
That main concern of the finance committee is to ensure that budgets and actual performance is explained and documented. Collections, expenses, assets, maintenance and insurance are under continual review. The committee has the responsibility of advising the parish priest on financial matters.
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council meets monthly. The pastoral council seeks to enrich the quality of parish life by having a diverse membership. Our current chairperson is Rodney Winter.
Charismatic Prayer Group
A Charismatic Prayer Group meets each Monday evening for prayer and praise. At times guest speakers address the gatherings. A senior group meets a Monday afternoon.
Men's Group
The men's group is a group of men who spend an hour together once a fortnight to reflect on how to live their Christian spirituality in their daily lives, at home and at work. Meetings are held at 7:30pm every Second Monday.
St Vincent's Youth Group
St Vincent's youth group, Youthspire meets fortnightly during the school term to deliver faith, food and fun to the youth of our parish. Currently youth in Year 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are invited to join.
Hospitality Group
The hospitality group provides hospitality, support and services for parish celebrations.
The Grief Support Group
The Grief Support group offers assistance and empathy to those suffering bereavement.
The Visitation Group
The Visitation group offers the opportunity for people to visit the sick, elderly, and house bound members of the community.
St Vincent de Paul Society
The Society works to help the needy with assistance and support and by visits to the lonely and poor of any age group. This care is offered regardless. The members pray together and strive too deepen their love of Christ, who calls them to serve the poor.
People of a Certain Age Group
This is a social group that randomly meets for a chat, to attend the theatre, to discuss books and so on.